HariHara Ganesh Dharmarajan

[ Program Manager & Agile Leader, Visa ]

Harihara is a Agile Leader @ Visa and is an Agile Transformation expert. As part of his Agile journey he has created many winning teams. Besides Agile, Harihara has also demonstrated excellent program management skills while executing on highly challenging projects with multiple dependencies. He is a effective communicator and loves giving presentation and public speaking. He has passion for driving things to closure which also stands as his trademark.

He is high energy and dynamic personality with whom everybody would love to work with. His ability to influence stakeholders (both downward and upward) makes him outstanding and successful at workplace.

Session Title

Culture & You

Session Overview

Culture is a soft concept and like strategy it cannot be copied. Is there a way to measure culture? If not, then how do we say whether particular culture is good or bad? As an individual how often do we change our behavior to adapt to a new situation? If changing one's behavior is tough, then how difficult is to change behavior of big Organization?

Organization's culture is the sum of belief and behaviors of all employees. It is built on values and drives Organizational effectiveness through Competitive advantage. The visible part of cultural iceberg drives us to think what we see and believe in our Organization constitutes the culture. There is also big portion of cultural iceberg that is not visible to the employees that drives the hard reality.

Come join me to visualize and understand a world of culture delivered to you in a capsule. You would not only multiply your knowledge but will go home with resonating thoughts.

Session Takeaways

  • Explore Culture & Cultural Iceberg
  • Different dimensions of Organization culture
  • Tips to build strong culture
  • Research based Winning Team's Framework
  • Case studies on culture & transformation.